My Backstory
Throughout my life, I sensed that there was a secret behind life. It felt like there was something going on behind the scenes that, if I could figure out what it was, I could be happier, more peaceful, and have greater well-being.
Like many people, I searched high and low for this secret. I searched for it in videos and books and practices and techniques, but couldn’t find it anywhere. At times I felt like I was close to the answer, but it would skitter away.
And then… In the midst of a global pandemic, a world full of social and political unrest, and impacts of social isolation, I stumbled upon the answer. It was right in front of me the entire time, I just couldn’t see it.
I suddenly saw very clearly that each one of us creates our own world from within; not just our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, but the entire package. Every color, every object, every taste, every sensation is created from within. Our experience of life is an inside job!
When we don’t understand this simple fact, we blame our bad feelings on our circumstances, situations, and other people. We also seek happiness and well-being in the outside world, but that’s not where it’s found. We already have everything we need… we just don’t know it.
Following this insight, my mission has become to further explore the nature of the human experience and to share this understanding with others so that they may also experience their innate well-being and peace of mind.