About the Inside-Out Understanding
As humans, we often take for granted that the world we experience is real and separate from us. We assume that the things we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell are objective and true. But what if this assumption is fundamentally flawed? What if the world we experience is not as separate from us as we think?
In my writings, I explore the idea that our beliefs about reality and our relationship to the world are fundamentally untrue. We don’t experience a world that is objective and true and “out there”, rather, we only ever experience a world that is created inside our mind, molded by thought, and projected onto our consciousness in a way that makes it appear real and separate from us.
Our fundamental misunderstanding of how our experience is made and where it comes from is the source of our suffering and discontent. Our unquestioned belief in what we think of as “reality” has us looking for peace, happiness, and well-being where they are not to be found. At the same time, we inaccurately attribute our negative feelings (grief, anger, frustration) to our circumstances, situations, and other people. This misunderstanding is why we suffer.
It turns out that true peace and well-being aren’t found in the content of experience. They are only ever found by understanding the nature of our experience. Our experience is made from the inside out, and by understanding this, we can create a whole new world.